Company News 3 - Agust 10, 2014
We have completed the two most important action for our listed company. Re-domicile is approves and since beginning of August we are a Delaware company. This action has great importance for future conducting of our business. We have also completed the reverse split and now the company share structure is organized and is trading for the next 20 days under the symbol ADBID. Thereafter the D will be eliminated.
We are going to file for the last stage in the process this month, which is the re-name of the company into E-QURE Corp, and hopefully will be approved during August. We are in the process of preparing the registration statement (S1). Filing with the SEC will take place this month and we expect to become effective in the 4th quarter. At That time, ¼ of your shares will be released for trading.
We received the shares certificate for the shareholders. We will distribute it to you within a few days. Please take good care of the certificate, since it is the original. The shares are subject to Rule 144 and are restricted from trading by law for now.
We have established an Israeli subsidiary (ESQURE Medical Devices Ltd) that will conduct all the manufacturing and the marketing efforts in Europe. It will start activity during August. We have completed the documentations with the US CRO, and intend to file to the FDA. Clinical trial will start immediately after FDA acceptance. Medical centers that will be participating have already been identified and awaiting launching the first batch of patients.
The Public company is going to enhance its Board of Directors with capable persons. The nomination will be introduced soon. To all our investors: You will be able to see most of our shareholders participating in this venture via our SEC filing. You can also look us up at the financial Web Sites such as,, Yahoo finance, Google finance and more.